Sunday, August 23, 2009

Laptop stopped downloading programs?

I got a new laptop yesterday and have tried to put stuff from my old PC on it. I tried to put some programs I backed up on to it, some worked fine, others did not. I downloaded 1 or 2 of the programs I needed, then reinstalled Adobe Premiere and After Effects, then last, added my music. Now, for some reason, I try to download a program (ex: Itunes, Winamp, BitComet) and it'll get to a certain point in the progress and stop, even though previous downloads had worked much better. What might be the problem? A firewall? Should I run my Antivirus program?

Laptop stopped downloading programs?anti virus scan

run your anti-virus program and try again. pay attention to the download status and note if it is always in the same spot where it breaks. it certainly could be the server shutting down downloads after a certain time limit, but that would be only if you have a really slow internet connection. otherwise, get a download manager at or those can probably pinpoint your problem. =]

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