Monday, August 17, 2009

Internet Browser on laptop wont browse to sites (mozilla and explorer)?

My laptop can go online via wireless router and modem to download updates from places like avg antivirus but it wont browse to any websites, i have restored all default settings and tried other browsers but still no luck.

Internet Browser on laptop wont browse to sites (mozilla and explorer)?panda

The first place you should look is to see if you can resolve the IP Addresses of the Internet sites you're trying to connect to. Do this by clicking Start/Run/Cmd and in the command prompt, type nslookup If that returns an address (or several, as in Google's case), your DNS is working.

It's possible that your cable/DSL router or modem is hosed. If that's the case, you might not get a DNS lookup either. You could try pinging a known address to see if it works. A good way to do that is to type ipconfig /all in the command prompt and then ping one of the DNS Servers as long as it's not in the 10.x.x.x, 172.16.x.x -172.17.32.x.x, or 192.168.x.x ranges. If that's the case, go on your wireless router and check out what the DNS is supposed to be. Ping that and see if you can get out. If you can't it's most likely your ISPs router/modem with the problem.

Next, you should look at your firewall configuration on the local PC and Wireless router. Make certain you are permitting http and https traffic as well as any other protocols you are running. This varies per router and firewall that you're using, so I'll leave that to you to figure out.

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