I don't know much about a computer. I do know I have not downloaded many programs. The desktop has DSL but is so slow it takes so much time to do anything. Sometimes it just freezes and I have to unplug it. I have an antivirus connected. What I have just said is all I know about a computer. Can anyone help me using easy terms? Thank you so much.
My computer is slowing down to a stop.?norton internet security
Do you ever run scandisc and defrag? That could be part of the problem. You really should run those every couple weeks or so.
My computer is slowing down to a stop.?spyware remove
if it happenes over and over again, then re-install your operating system. just ask some guy who knows anything in computers and he may help you. it will improve the perfomance so wonderfully that you will not believe. it is just something that should be done over some period of time.
believe me.
your computer may have too much files stored in it that's why it slows down. try deleting files you dont really need anymore or by an extra hard drive which just needs to be plugged to ur usb port. in that way, you could transfer files into the hard drive making your computer work faster.
Is your antivirus Mcaffee Or Norton, those expire and then dont operate. If so go to MyComputer, AddDeletePrograms and remove those from it. Then get the free AVG antivirus from www.grisoft.com. Its very good equal to the pay for Norton or Mcaffee and is updated constantly. I suspect a worm or trogan in there has corrupted your Registry.
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