Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Every time my computer starts my virus scan says that there is a suspicious scripting activity detec

Every time my computer starts my virus scan says that there is a suspicious scripting activity detected in my c-program, attempting to call the OPENTEXTFILE within my IFileSystem3 object , it gives me the options to stop it from preceding, or to give it full access, I always tell it to stop the script from preceding and it comes back as a failed NDA application, I know that I had spyware on my computor from people downloading songs, but I thought that I took care of that with my antivirus and spyware, but everytime I start my computor it says that. So I guess that whenever I start my computor and stop the script it just stays there with no where to go. So does anyone know what I can do to get rid of this problem?? Please help me, I really need help.

Every time my computer starts my virus scan says that there is a suspicious scripting activity detected .?virus removal

Not all scripts are viruses. Examine the applications that start upon Windows boot and decide is there an aplication that couls seem as a virus :)

Aslo check the AV app settings to see for some usefull options :)

Every time my computer starts my virus scan says that there is a suspicious scripting activity detected .?anti virus protection


I never seen this type of error.


Good Luck

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